About this fundraiser


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I'm a single mother of a son who is an extremely talented baseball player. He's currently on a AAA competitive team and I'm needing some help paying his club dues this season. The kids' father has terminal cancer and is unable to contribute to their care or financial needs.

How talented is he? (You deserve to know who you are supporting and I love telling people how proud I am of my kids)

  • He has been nominated and invited to numerous showcases and special tournaments. These nominations are on an individual basis, and nominations are always submitted by coaches and players from outside his organization. Typically teams he plays against in tournaments. A couple of years ago he was one of only 12 players chosen to represent our state in a national tournament played in Memphis.
  • His usual position is catcher. I have seen countless 3rd base coaches refuse to let their runners steal home. These coaches aren't dummies, they can tell by his speed, movement and body language, if he gets a piece of the ball, their runner is getting out at home.
  • If he's not catching, his coaches are going to use him as a pinch runner. If the kid gets on base...he's stealing the next one. He's a smart player and has the ability to anticipate the other team's play and adjust accordingly.
  • He's in left field? Runner going home? He's made the throw to home without a cut off man to get the runner out. He's capable of doing what he's got to do to make the play happen for the team.
  • A few weeks ago, he was stealing home, when he slid a player from the other team stepped on his hand and broke one of his fingers so bad he had to have surgery to fix it. Yes, he was safe. Not only did he finish the game, but somehow convinced his coaches to let him pitch in the middle of the tournament, He's never pitched before. He's got grit, charisma and obviously his coaches trust his abilities.
  • The best part, he is humble. He shows up to every practice and every game knowing he still has more to learn, expecting he's not going to be the best player on the field, he listens to what his coaches and teammates and is always wanting to improve wherever he can.

What is the money being used for?

  • The club dues are $5000 and cover all the tournament fees for the season.
  • Unlimited access to professional trainers.
  • Unlimited access to the facility.

What the money is not being used for?

  • Equipment
  • Uniforms
  • Traveling expenses. The team typically plays in one out of town tournament during the summer season.
  • Anything else outside of the fees the club requires to be on a team.

I work full time, but am also seeking part time work to pay for the dues. My son will be 16 in a few weeks and said he is wanting to get a job so he can also help. I'm just concerned I won't be able to solidify additional work in time to start making the payments needed.

Most importantly (to me at least)-

Let's be honest, moms, we can accomplish almost anything when it comes to our kids, but a positive male role model is never anything I will ever be able to be for the young man he is becoming. Sometimes being a teenager is hard to navigate, and is a sensitive time. Most importantly, I want to support him and provide him an environment with positive male role models and peers that have the same interests and goals as him and where he is supported. He's talented, he's put the work in to earn his spot on the team, he deserves to be there. I just need some support helping him get there.

I'm sure our youth is full of wasted talent simply because they don't have the resources to get them to the places they deserve to be. Thank you for even just taking the time to hear us. Much love.


Organized by

Hannah Robie

Lees Summit, MO, USA
