About this fundraiser

Hi my name is Betsy Harding and my daughter and I are in need of financial help so we don't lose our home.

We are buying our home on a land contract and due to severe health issues I am not able to work.  We have 22 months left on our home.  We fell behind due to my daughter having the over time cut out at her place of employment..  I have signed up for SSI but that as we all know is a process.  We need the help to get caught up and put us ahead just a little bit so we can get back on track.

This would be such a a blessing to us and we could actually have a lot of stress lifted from our shoulders.  We have no one to help us.  If we lose our home we have no where to go.  I believe with all my heart someone is out there that can help us.  This would mean everything to us. We are so grateful for anyone who could or would help us.

My daughter was diagnosed with a rare cancer when she was 17 she had a tumor removed in her chest and 37 radiation treatments…by the Grace of God she is ten years out although the doctors said her cancer would come back with a vengeance.  She went to work to take care of me…my health issues are many and it's hard for me to be able to stand or sit for any long periods of time.

We are in a desperate situation and just need to have some one out there to show they at least care.  We don't want to lose our home that we have worked hard in order to have.  This is our first time of being able to buy a home and call it ours completely.  We have until October 31 to have everything caught up or we will be forced out.

Please I pray someone can help us.

Organized by

Betsy Harding

Berea, KY, USA
