About this fundraiser

Dear friends,  I am the wife of Thomas Reese and the mother of six young boys and one unborn daughter that we share, I am seeking your help and support to rally our community around our family. We are living through an incredibly tragic health crisis affecting myself and all six of our living children Zaethomise, 9, Jacory, 8, Jadence, 7, Yahamiah, 5, Yahdae, 3, and Seven, 2. 
This unbelievable journey that began around mid June with Thomas, 40, suffering from unbearable pain in his lower back, taking an emergency hospital visit then receiving a referral to a back specialist, whom future examined and notified Thomas he had a rare case of dead cancer cells of Ewing Sarcoma in his spinal cord. The specialist recommended Thomas to undergo chemotherapy therapy, which he did. The day of Thomas’s chemotherapy treatment I unfortunately was demoted and released from my newly found place of employment due to  my single absence, as I felt it necessary to be by Thomas’s side despite informing my employer about my husband upcoming treatments. Thomas was only required to complete one treatment to get rid of the dead cells and waste in his body and was considered cancer free. The last month has been long, complicated and ultimately heart breaking. 
In early July, as Thomas was healing, only days after his treatment, I was out job hunting, when I started feeling extreme pain in my lower abdomen area, that was I was found to have be a rare maternal infection called Chorioamnionitis through an  follow up appointment which can ultimately cause preterm labor for our daughter. Thomas being the strong man he’s always been and head of our family, he went back to work to his self employed laboring business as a mechanic and a professional mover to keep a roof over our head. As he worked he struggled more than ever but continued until he noticed swelling in the area he was treated and was forced to revisit his specialist, where he was informed several blood clots had formed in the same area. Regardless of my advice for my husband to take things easy and be patient for things to work themselves out he continued to work daily while taking the prescribed medication. In Mid July, our only family vehicle broke down and was a very expensive fix, not in our budget to fix immediately, leading us to rely on his friends and family to take our children 20 minutes away to childcare and him around town to work and me using public transportation to travel to job interviews in 100 plus degree weather.
As the school year for our children has started, we were not able to purchase any school clothing or supplies needed and they have been forced to wear older clothing and tight fitting clothes, which they do not complain but they are in obvious need of new clothing. Thomas worked longer hours out in the heat and if things couldn’t have got worse, Thomas grew a large pus bubble on this back and was forced to go to the emergency room. 
At this time Thomas is hospitalized with a poisonous infection and a busted blood clot, putting him in a very critical life threatening situation. He is undergoing a procedure to remove the busted blood vessels where he’d be hospitalized for a minimum of two weeks as well as on a medication to get rid of the infection, however doctors have informed us if the medication does not work he may need to be placed in an induced coma, where hopefully his body will fight off the infection itself. 
At this time, I am beyond worried about my husbands life and can not be on his side due a lack of transportation and resources. My school age children attend a school only 7 minutes away but requires paying public transport fees for all 6 of my children, that is hardly on schedule, with tons of visible homeless, drug addicts and the smell of drugs lingering on their persons.  I am also forced to keep my younger children home with me, due to the current distance to the child care facility and lack of transportation. I unfortunately lack financial assistance from family relatives or close friends and have received a notice for no payment of rent. 
Along with the incredible stress of the unknown future for my husband and this horrendous nightmare the financial burden is astronomical, not being able to continue my job search and attend necessary interviews and hiring event with children. So, I have created this Giveahand and am asking you to be an “Angel” and donate to help our family feel a‘ Vision of Hope’  to make it through this unthinkable journey. We need to pay our bills, keep our home and obtain a car large enough for our kids and while I job search and get back and forth to support my husband Thomas in the hospital.  
All donations, of any size, are greatly appreciated and will be used wisely with the knowledge of the love with which they are given.  With deep gratitude,  
Dajarae Reese for The Reese family. 

Organized by

Dajarae Reese

Phoenix, AZ, USA
