Latest update as of Oct 29, 2023

  • Update:

    i made this 2 help my dear pastor friend.. he recentl lost his amazing wife.My pastor friend.. Mastor Murray he's Military so she will now be burried with honors at the Miramar Military Cemetary... he hasnt given me a date/time yet but did say where.We plan on later on or when we have the funds.. to do something special 4 her like our own memorial service 4 her at a church in San Diego at a later time because we have some who wana attend & live out of state etc & some cant make it to Miramar.When we have the funds i plan on doin a fb live & post it 4 everyone she knew can see that still cant make it etc.If u would like 2 help out ur more then welcome.. im also working mult jobs still my Nisa has alot if medical.. so its hard 2 save & rent is goin up & im dealing with literly a slumb lord.. im here also 2 answer any question u may have me or the pastor.. u can email me [email protected] here is pastors fb info: ill try & leave another update again.. 4 now its a short 1 because i have to go get ready 4 work..& go to work.. i have a busy work schedule this wk so ill try & leave another update this wk or next wk

About this fundraiser

On Sept. 21st 2023,I seen a Facebook message from a very good friend of mine.. a pastor who i have known for years.I was on my way to pick up my 9yr old from school,when i was just getting to her school i read my friends msg.. “Please Help”… his wife for many years,passed,the causes are right now are not known & were so despertly waiting on answers.My Pastor friend Murray wow him & his wife are LITERLY THE MOST AWESOME & AMAZING PEOPLE U COULD EVER MEET IN A LIFETIME..  they have known my kids since forever.. whole life.. my friends.. Pastor Murray & his wife.. Kimberly.. are truely beyond amazing people.. & very loved by everyone.Since loosing her.. it has been a huge nightmare & the most tremendous loss imaginable,she had an amazing personality with spunk & a ton of humor,she beyond lit up every room she went to..her smile & laugh contagious & her heart wow beyond caring & with always pure love in her heart.. beyond a heart of gold..she was such an amazing person & a true friend 2 everyone she knew,always believed in god & never giving up & having a good heart & more.. i so miss her & im so at just at a major loss of words im so sadened & crushed of her passing.. a major blow 2 all who knew her.. THANK U GOD 4 LETTING ME MEET THE MOST AMAZING PEOPLE-MY FRIEND KIMBERLY & PASTOR MURRAY IM SO BEYOND GREATFUL♡ 🧎‍♀️🙏They have always been there 4 everyone & 4 me.. so i will do the same for him.. she was very close to my 9yr old Nisa..since birth…she was like the best god mom/auntie ♡ my kids are beyond heartbroken/crushed… PLEASE HELP US.. her services,were trying to set,is already for Oct. 20th.. ANYTHING WOULD BE SOOOOOOO BEYOOOOND GREAAAATLY APRECIATED & WILL HELP♡ ive never asked 4 help like this before so not sure what 2 do or say but all i can say is words from our heart about her & how amazing she truely literly was & she is BEYOOOOOND LOVED & MISSED…they have always been there 4 everyone.. its time 2 be there 4 them.. i know i will & do whatever i can 2 help.. i know lifes full of ups & downs with crazy curveballs lol & things now days are so barely making it & work non a mom i have kids,1 has alot of medical mult seizures,epilepsy,brain disorders,heart.. liver.. kidney.. bladder issues & tons more…i know what its like 2 struggle.. & now all i can do is pray & keep trying & never give up.. & for my friend who passed she was a good friend.. i dont want to give up i want to do this one last special thing 4 her.. i want her 2 be able 2 have her funeral & would do anything 2 make it happen.. im so scared of running out of time & wont have enough.. please help me.. help me be able to burry my friend💔🙏😭🥺 im even willing 2 pay back money given if i can ♡🙏🧎‍♀️i just want to be able to have her funeral & tell my good friend bye😭🥺🧎‍♀️🙏PLEASE HELP US.. ♡ xoxox

Organized by


San Diego, CA, USA
