Latest update as of Apr 29, 2024

  • Thank you all for your generosity and kindness

    We are eternally grateful for your heartfelt responses and generosity! We are in a much better place because of your help. Since this hardship, we have become stronger and closer than ever. Your kindness opened new doors and reconnected old friends.
    I hope to one day give back to you and be there in your time of need, as you were for my son and I.

About this fundraiser

Title: Urgent Help Needed to Prevent Eviction for Mom and Son

Dear Friends,

We urgently need your help to prevent Darlene and her son Nicholas from facing eviction. Darlene, a devoted mother, is working tirelessly at two jobs to provide for her family, but despite her efforts, they have received an eviction notice due to a sudden and severe rent increase.

Nicholas, a teenager, relies on his mother for stability and support during these formative years. Losing their home would not only disrupt their lives but also jeopardize Nicholas's well-being and future.

As Darlene's birthday approaches on the 21st, we implore you to extend your kindness and support by donating to our cause. Your contributions will go directly towards keeping a roof over their heads and ensuring that they can continue to thrive despite the financial hardships they are facing.

Every dollar counts and will make a significant difference in preventing this family from experiencing the devastating consequences of eviction. Let's rally together to provide Darlene and Nicholas with the security and stability they deserve.

Please donate today and share this urgent appeal with your friends, family, and networks. Together, we can make a profound impact and help this loving mother and her son stay in their home.

Thank you for your compassion and generosity.

Organized by

Darlene Koons

South Amboy, NJ, USA
