About this fundraiser

My name is Christie I am 51 years old. I always worked, raised 3kids as a single mom, always tried to help anyone who  needed it. I am not good at asking for help, most times I pray and figure it out myself. I became disabled about 2 years ago and getting approved for disability is a very long process, I don't know how people get through it. While waiting on disability my bills are behind to the point that my lights will be shut off next week and while I worked hard to pay off my house I got behind on property taxes so they just auctioned it off to get property tax money. I have no other source of income I receive 291 a month in food stamps with grocery prices now that does not feed anyone for a month. I have applied for any and all forms of assistance but receive none, I can not get a loan due to no employment, I have no family that can help  except my dad but he is not in good health, he has bad heart so I don't want to put added stress on him. My car is broke down so I can not even get to my doc appointments or get it repaired. Any donations will be used on bills to try to survive till disability comes through. I know times are really tough now and any help would be so appreciated you could even go to my account at duke energy under Christie Davis and donate that way and if you can't donate I am open to advice, resources I possibly missed or a prayer sent my way and thank you for taking time to read. 

Organized by

Christie Davis

Oolitic, IN, USA
