About this fundraiser

My name is Andrew. For the past two years, I've been stuck in a psychologically, financially, and occasionally physically abusive relationship. My now ex-partner had taken my money over time and gotten me into deep debt. Things finally came to a head when they came in and fought with me at my work, and I got fired from the job I had for almost a decade. That finally gave me the strength to leave them, but now I have no friends because I was isolated from them by my partner.

I have lost my favorite job and haven't had to find a new one in years, so I barely know how. And I am left with all the debt they put me in. I will not be able to afford next months rent and my roommate has alread said they are going to kick me out. I will be homeless. So, I am at such a rock bottom that I have come here hoping to rely on the generosity of this community to help me cover my expenses for just this one next month so I can hopefully get myself back on track not just financially but mentally and can move on with a more positive life. Truly, thank you. Any bit would help and mean a lot.

Organized by

Andrew Puleo

Los Angeles, CA, USA
