About this fundraiser

Hello everybody I am here to humbly ask for help for my sister Irma she is 62 years old and has struggled all of her life a d never has asked for help. She contracted a rare skin disease has fibromyalgia high blood pressure and her husband just got diagnosed with stage 4 liver cancer. They get disability checks but not enough to pay rent bills and food. My wife a d I have been helping as much as we can but it's not enough because of course we have our own fina9as well. They are behind on their rent and the owners of the apartments have been working with them even though they too are struggling keeping up with the apartments. Please please please! I can't beg enough and stress enough how much I would be forever grateful if any of you can find it in your hearts to give whatever you can to help. I have asked family and friends and 2 people helped with a little but of course they still need more. May God bless all of you that help be it money or prayers and may it come back to you 10 fold! Tyvm in advance and I pray we make thos goal for the love of God!

Organized by

Eva Garza

Austin, TX, USA
