About this fundraiser

Abby has Has been diagnosed with severe dementia. She now has less then a year of life left. There no telling of when it could  be months weeks or days.  She is rapidly declineing. With dementia/ alzheimer's it Is a disease that attack  the nerve system,  which strinks her brain. She has shown early signs that it could have been twelve years prior. She now at the point Where she can no longer speak or walk, she is Terminal she is bed ridden for the rest of her life. She's 43 years old. She has 3 young boys. We are asking for any kind of help for her. And her boys. It been hard to get life insurance do to her age, and Illness. We are trying to prepare for when the time happens, and she is no longer with us. So her boys don't have the burden of financials. I'm only asking for the expense of cremation. And services. I would love any support or prayers if your not able to help. We will do our best to help her boys as well. Thank you and GOD bless. Family members are so able to make help make a payment with Stoddard Funeral & Cremation & Sunset Memorial Gardens. 3205 W 28th St, Greeley, CO 80634. In her Name Abigail Salazar

Organized by

Lorraine Orozco

Greeley, CO, USA


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