About this fundraiser

In the fall of 2022, I did something I never thought I would do; I bought a house as a single Mom. I work as a nurse and have tried to get a part-time job, but physically my body needs more downtime to recover and focus on and attempt to heal.

Six weeks after I bought my house, I was diagnosed with Chronic Lyme disease. I had always heard of Lyme disease. You get a rash, get some meds and move on with your life. I have had so many issues for so long, I thought I was crazy. Different doctors would turn me away because they couldn't find anything and nothing was adding up or making sense regarding my complaints or ailments. It turns out, it has been Lyme disease this whole time. (I'm talking 10-12 years) I deal with joint pain, debilitating headaches, stomach issues… (The list really just keeps going) I have had it for so long that my central nervous system is effected and that is causing the most mystery symptoms that my providers (and there are a lot of them!) are trying to solve. 

Since I've been going through treatment, I've felt a lot of similar side effects as an oncology patient. My hair has gotten very thin. There are days I am very nauseated and am unable to keep food down. Somedays I am unable to eat because the inside of my mouth is so painful that the only thing I can tolerate is water. The medications have taken a toll on my kidneys, so we have to monitor those very closely. My immune function is very low so I must be mindful of being in crowds, etc.

My left toe has been numb for a few years, I just figured oh well, that's just me. Since I've been going through treatments, it's gotten worse and has gone higher up my leg. There are some days where it isn't noticeable, and there are other days where that is all I can think about because it is so numb and painful.

So the reason I am reaching out to my friends, family, and even those of you who I might not even know… Like most Lyme literate providers, mine is a functional medicine provider, and not covered by insurance. Which means a lot of my tests and medications are not covered by insurance. 

I am finding myself in a place where I am needing help to pay for more testing/meds and to recover from the giant hole that I am currently in. This is really hard to ask for help. I really do appreciate people taking the time to read this and to consider donating. 

Your donation would help me immensely and give me peace of mind when a provider orders a new test or medication. I would not be panicking and thinking about what my bank account looks like before I agree to the test or hit submit on the medication. It would also help me not be as stressed in providing for my kids. 

My 15-year old had a cold recently, and he had to stay in his room. Without thinking, he came upstairs for a drink. My 11-year old yelled at him because she was so worried about me. It really hit me and broke my heart that my illness is just as mind consuming for them as it is for me.

I really appreciate anyone taking the time to read this and considering helping me in my journey with this awful disease. 

I would really also like to encourage everyone to PLEASE be mindful of doing daily tick checks! I am like SO many others and don't remember ever having a tick on me! 

There is a documentary coming out this spring called “I'm Not Crazy, I'm Sick” It follows WNBA star Elena Delle Donne and her battle with Lyme along with others and the immense financial hardship this disease puts families through. I have done some really hard things in my life, and this is one of the hardest ones. Asking for help is incredibly humbling. But I am in a place where I have no other options. 

Thank you for reading this 


Organized by

Amy Goldsberry

Saint Michael, MN, USA
