About this fundraiser

Hi everyone we are here asking for help for the Mccartney  family. This young couple was 21 weeks pregnant  wwith a beautiful little girl named Martha. The pregnancy  up till this point was smooth then at 21 weeks took a turn for the worst. Martha was delivered. But because 4 days younger then what barns hospital would like they didn't even try to save this little girl even tho she came out and was breathing on her own for 3 hours in her mother and father's arms.  This family is devastated. And taking the loss very badly. Having  to not only loose there first child but also the hard times that come with it like not being able to work right now and having bills and funeral and everything  eelse to worry about. … this family is far stressed enough I'm asking as a believer please don't let these kids loose the only faith they have left and help them with there hard times please. 

Organized by

Kayla Ingram

Potosi, MO, USA
