About this fundraiser

Hey everyone, as most of you have heard about whats going on, I’ve been diagnosed with invasive ductal carcinoma and It’s been tough to work as much as I usually do and it’s going to be a long year ahead with treatments that will be starting up soon. Most medical bills are covered but if I could have some help to lift some of the financial burden, I’d be so appreciative. Pride is tough to suppress but I know it’s time to ask for some help. I appreciate all the sweet words and support and love you all very much! -Kerri  

Organized by

Kerri Bonas Rue

Lincoln, RI, USA


Comments (3)

Please donate to comment.

Aimee Grajales  | $100

9mos ago

Love you!

Catherine Korona  | $100

9mos ago


Alicia bedient  | $100

9mos ago
