About this fundraiser

Hello my name is Lisa Easter, I have a son Christopher Walker and we are in need of help to get out of a bad situation. I live with a man that was totally opposite when I met him and in the beginning. Now he has been very mentally, emotionally , and verbally abusive. He has gotten physically abusive twice with me. Both times he has gone for my neck, first time he completely cut off my air and with one hand. The way he grabbed me and it was unexpected I couldn't do anything to get him off of me and I thought to myself “this is it, I'm gonna die”!   Could you imagine , no one should ever have to be in that kind of situation ever, especially in those circumstances. The second time I had my headphones on and next thing I know he is cursing me and calling me names. I was laying on the bed on my stomach and he jumped on my back and proceeded to grab my head and said he was going to break my neck, while he is trying to twist my head. I screamed and fought back as best as I could but again he got me in a position where I couldn't move.  Can you imagine the terror that goes through someone's mind in this situation? 

             On top of dealing with him and his foul mouth, putting me down 24/7 and constantly competing with me in some way or out cheating with his ex. I also have to deal with his mother. We live in her basement, its like 4000 sqft and we have a kitchen and bathroom and things. We don't have to go upstairs and she never sees me. This woman harasses me, my son and she bully's me trying to provoke me. I came here and did everything for he, including cooking, cleaning and organizing due to her hoarding. I even got her suction handles for her shower cause she was scared she would fall. I cleaned her car out and due to her hoarding she had maggots in her car.  She pretended to be my friend, I took her to Sam's club and we were in my car, I went in and got everything she needed cause they didn't have a riding cart. I had my journal in my car between my seat and the console, I like to write. She read my journal while I was in the store helping her. I acme out and opened the car door and I seen my journal facing the other way. I felt so violated and just writing about it I'm tearing up. She later snuck downstairs and sat on my bed cause I refused to argue with her on the phone and she repeated what she read in my journal trying to provoke me. This woman has snuck down here and I was in the bathroom , she got in my purse and stole my keys. She has stole my mail, and if you call her out on what she is doing she tries to act like she is old and can't get around very well. I assure you she gets around just fine. This woman snuck down here and sat on the other side of the wall while me and her son were intimate. there was no door. Can you imagine, I was mortified, felt violated again. Her name is Patricia Rauh, she plays her own children against each other. She told her son she is the sole owner of the house and I needed to be doing stuff for her even though he pays his way to be here. She shouldn't have any say so in who he has in his living space. She is acting like a very jealous girlfriend and just recently my son overheard her say she would shoot me with her gun. 

             I am in total terror walking on eggshells trying to avoid her and dealing with her son, I am constantly in flight or fight mode but have to appear ok for my son. I know it's affecting him cause she snuck down the stairs, well she scoots down them and she told my son she was gonna get him put into a home because it wasn't his fault he has a piece of shit mother. I just don't understand these people , I had nothing but love and good intentions when I came here and I have been abused, taken for granted and taken advantage of. Used and put down, I've cried more being here then I have ever cried in my whole life.  My car is broke, but I have been posting things to sell on offerup and I taught myself how to work on my car i just need the parts. I have no one to help and I'm trying to find work from home jobs . I just don't know what to do anymore. I've asked and basically begged for help but its like I'm invisible. No one really responds or I get short answers. I can't be on the streets with my son. This is a situation that blind sided me. I never saw this coming. Can you imagine, please does anyone hear me? I feel so alone and my son is a great kid and very talented. He doesn't deserve this and he's growing up faster because of it. I have tried everything I just need a Hand, if i can just get a hand to get me going in the right direction you will not be disappointed! I am prepared to work very hard for my peace of mind and to keep it. The way I feel right now I wouldn't wish on anyone.

         I am normally the one helping others, that's what I love to do. I rarely asked for help. I'm telling you between him and his mom I've been put down and made fun of so much I'm beat down. I am really struggling  and he doesn't think he does anything wrong. I need to get my son out of here asap. Especially her talking about shooting me. If you all can please find it in your hearts to please help me raise the money cause we are gonna have to start completely over. I have already lost everything i have owned and that was devastating ! I can't even sit here and type this without crying but I try to hide it cause if he see's me crying he makes fun of me. If you all can answer our prayers and help us to start over far away from here, the gratitude, the relief and being able to SMILE and mean it cause we know we are safe and can finely be happy. You just don't know how truly thankful we will be. Please I pray that someone see's our story and I pray in Jesus name that they will want to help. I don't know what else to do this is my last resort. Please please see us, we need you. We need to start a whole new life. We have been hurt enough. GOD BLESS YOU ALL . 


Lisa Easter & Christopher Walker

Organized by

Lisa Easter

Louisville, KY, USA
