Latest update as of Jul 01, 2024

  • Tuesday induction

    As of today Breannas induction is set for Tuesday , July 2nd. She will check in to labor & delivery at 7pm.
    As we are anxiously awaiting on Olivia's arrival, please pray for God's timing, peace for James and Breanna as they wait basically another day to meet their sweet girl! We thought they would schedule her induction early morning Tuesday. Pray for perfect delivery and Olivia's oxygen levels to be at the perfect acceptable levels so that no intervention is necessary. Please pray for all the NICU staff that will care for her the next 2 weeks! Thankful for the Ronald McDonald house that has been home away from home. Thank you to all our prayer warriors! Stay tuned for updates.

About this fundraiser

Breanna and James Collins are expecting their 2nd baby mid June. Olivia Rae was diagnosed with heart defect and a hole in her heart. She may require a stint a few days after her birth and will then surgery when she is 4-6 mos old to repair the hole. She has a team of doctors at Houston's Texas Children's Hospital standing by for her delivery.  Funds are needed to pay for current on ongoing scans, ultrasounds & doctors fees and extended NICU stay. Breanna is a teacher at GCISD with a toddler at home. She will not be able to return to work in August since baby Olivia will require mommy to care and monitor her until her surgery. Funds may also be used for gas to the medical center, food and other living expenses while they are a one income family. The family greatly appreciates  any and all donations! God bless and thank you for your prayers, 

Cheryl, aka Mimi (mother of Breanna)

Organized by

Cheryl McClanahan

Baytown, TX, USA
