About this fundraiser

My friend has always put her children’s wants and needs first. My friend might have lagged on setting some necessary boundaries for her children, but she loves them so much that she wanted to protect them from anymore abundant man issues since they father was / is to ill to be there for them! My friend has been going to College, volunteered for several ministries, and nonprofit’s and has been the best Soccer/PTA Mom!!! CPS, Deputies, etc. kidnapped her children. She deserves to have the best CPS Attorney Vincent W. Davis who  will be able to get her children back from CPS custody because those allegations are completely fabricated lies by people who have extensive criminal histories, and my friend has a history of volunteering…. Please help me to get justice for a good mother so CPS has to return her kids (miracle’s) immediately! God Bless you and everyone around you!

Organized by

T Flink

Placerville, CA, USA
