About this fundraiser

Hello and thank you for stopping by,

The last 6 months have been extremely life-changing for our dad and our family. From being in a coma in the ICU for 3 weeks, having suffered a stroke and meningitis to having open heart surgery on his damaged mitral valve and findings of metastatic prostate cancer to a double amputation on his feet, this sweet man survived it all!

He has been in a skilled nursing facility since April 21st, doing physical and occupational therapy exercises, and getting used to his new prosthetic legs he got last month. 

My brother and I are hoping to raise money to help our dad with out-of-pocket expenses that insurance won't cover, such as transportation to and from hospital and clinic appointments, and renovations for his home so that it is handicap accessible. 

The bathroom is the main concern we have right now because with both feet being amputated, he is going to need some modifications done to it so that he can use the tub and shower. 

Our dad is retired, and it's just my brother and I to help support him. We can't do this by ourselves so we are humbly asking for donations and to share his story with others. 

Our dad has such a love for motorcycles, and being outdoors, he loves dogs and has such a kind heart. Dad is joyful and positive and we would be so grateful for any help we can get for him. He has donated to so many charities, helps anyone in need, volunteers his time, and is just a very lovable human being.

Thank you for taking the time to read about our dad. God Bless!

The Ault Family,

Danny, Brian and Krissy





Organized by

Kris Ault

Fairmont, MN, USA
