Latest update as of Sep 24, 2023

About this fundraiser

Tammi Jamison is a 45 year Old woman with with multiple sclerosis. If that wasn't bad enough in december of two thousand and twenty two, she was diagnosed with cup cancer. Cup cancer, it's a cancer of unknown primary Source. Making it almost impossible to Treat. On top of that, on september twelfth of this year, her job felt that she was not being able to complete her duties in a timely manner, so they let her go. Her medications are running three thousand dollars a month. Her living expenses and everything She will end up being homeless. I am trying to help her out the best. That I can force even though her employer let her go. She is still willing to help the little old people on the side of the road with signs that say please help.  And she hands them the last dollars in her pocket or the loose change to help them when she doesn't even know where her next bit of money will come. so if you could please help, please donate. And if you cannot donate at least, share this with your friends and family, so they can or have them Repost this so they can get the word out. We just need to help this young lady. Who has done so much for her community and her friends and family? And never ask for anything. Thank you for your time and reading this, Jamie.

Organized by

Jamie Randall

Prescott, AZ, USA

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This fundraiser will directly support

George Randall
