About this fundraiser

I am suffering from the most painful condition known to mankind. Now for 8 years I suffer intense unbearable pain 24/7 every single day. I have been bedridden for the last 2 years of my life unable to join my family for holidays and other family get togethers. I have become a shell of the fun person I once was. I was hit by a drunk drivdriver while I was out driving  ride share to support my 3 children as a single mother and in seconds my life was destroyed and my pain and Suffering began. I have found a doctor who finally is willing to take me on as a patient after going to more doctors than I can count who continued to damage my body and made my condition spread throughout my body. I am dying and no medical professional is willing to help me except for now. But insurance will not cover my infusions. I am begging for help. I want to live and have time to build memories with my family. I have lost all my friends since becoming ill. I am sad and had all but given in to the fact I would probably not last another year. Please help me fight. I don’t want to die. Thank you for taking the time to read my very shortened version of my story. I hope to hear from you soon. God bless!

Organized by

Tavia Palmer

Porter, TX, USA
