About this fundraiser

I am needing wha help I can ge. I work two Jobs just to make it now. . I work third shift and five hours during the day. I barely make it no. 5 months ago I took a loan because of my wheelbarring  went out on my car. So I took a loan out against my car to fix i. well then a week ago my car starts to jump in the transmission,.Then two nights ago it finally out. it’s my only means of transportation I have 3 kids. I don’t have anyone to just ask for the car to fix it. There is more than that wrong with it . I love my car but I can’t fix it. I cant come up with the money for a down payment on another ca. I am approved and can make payments on a vehicle. So I am reaching out across the country hoping for help.

Organized by

Virginia Lane

Madisonville, KY, USA
