About this fundraiser

Hello My Name Is Earl  and I come to find out that I have a tumor on my left kidney which they are going to be going in and trying to remove the tumor from my kidney but more than likely going to have to remove my kidney also. I will be off work for several weeks and I'm trying to figure out how I'm going to pay my medical bills without not having no medical coverage and pay my house utility bills and other things while I am off work for the several weeks I have children to support and take care of… I've worked very hard in my job for the last 21 years and it's been Non-Stop I'm looking for some help to cover my medical expenses and personal expenses at my home ..I don't ask anybody for anything always work hard I am my own backup but at this point in my life of being 45 years old I'm just asking for a little bit of help for a short amount of time and whatever anybody can help with and donate I would be truthfully grateful and appreciated 

Organized by

Earl Foltz

Clarington, OH, USA
