About this fundraiser

Hello Everyone, 

Thanks for checking this out. Our best friend who we consider family has just been given 4-6 months to live. It's devesting for all of us. Our goal is to raise $5k so we can take him on one final trip. Not sure where considering Hawaii or Vegas, we will let him deside. 

Eddie was diagnosed with stage 4 terminal cancer of the spine and liver only 6 months ago. Yesterday he was told he has 4 months max. He retired only 8 months ago….. LetLet that sink in…..it's devesting. We all are going to pitch in but don't want him to have to worry about cost. Anything helps amd we appreciate your thought prayers and donations. 

Be well. 

Kristie (friend) 

Organized by

Kristie Lee

Vancouver, BC, Canada
