About this fundraiser

Little Edna is a 5 years female child. Her mother traveled to Canada after she was given birth under the refugee status leaving her behind with her grandmother. Unfortunately her grandmother died some few months back. Her mother was raped during the ongoing crises is Cameroun and unfortunately, she was pregnant. Due to the stigma she got from the community, was unable to leave in the community and was seen as an outcast. With the help of NGO she moved to Canada leaving her Little Edna behind. We (I) have taken the initiative to raise funds to help pay her medical bills and to see how we can bring Little Edna to join her mother.
Little Edna has been in the hospital for a week due to burns she got in when fire cut her grandmother’s house in the village. He mother who is now in Canada is depress and stress and cannot afford her bills back home. We are doing a free will donation to meet our target of $15000 in the space of 1 month to enable her get adequate medical attention and for her up fit while looking for an opportunity to join her mother in Canada.

Organized by

Michel Sungnin

Brampton, ON, Canada
