About this fundraiser

Hey everyone, 

my name is Kori, i am 34 years old and a mother to five kiddos. Christmas Eve 2024 the right side of my body went numb. I was admitted to the hospital for three days, where an MRI showed I had old lesions on my brain. January 13th I was admitted again with another MRI to find out that I have an active lesion on my brain and was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis (RRMS) I was admitted for five days with four of those days having high dose iv steroids to try and stop the lesion from progressing. I have had to turn down two job interviews due to the whole right side of my body being numb, I cannot walk that well and I have lost hearing in my right ear. This diagnosis has been extremely hard. I am creating this to raise money to help with living expenses while disability gets figured out. Any and all help is greatly appreciated! 

Organized by

Kori Tinsley

Bellaire, OH, USA
