The family of father/husband destitute after suicide by carbon monoxide poisoning in family car. The car was destroyed and family left with no transportation. Llife insurance won't pay on suicide. Social Security only pays benefits if you are age 60+ or have kids under 16 at home. Neither apply as wife is 53 and daughter is 17. There are also 3 beloved dogs, one of which had to be put down with cancer mere days after suicide of husband & father. Family is selling personal possessions to save home. Which they've rented over 13 years, after losing their own home of 14 years to a fire. They were still rebuilding from that nightmare. They have no other family to help. They have no social media presence to get the word out.
Most likely nobody will even discover this page. If someone does, please forward to everyone you can. The family donated 20% of their personal income for years to help children, families, and animals in need. Where is Karma.
Husband and father was recently diagnosed with life altering health issues involving heart and lungs.
After disclosing to employer. Dept of defense fired him. Losing all health insurance and yanked off 9 life saving medications, ssuicide seemed the only alternative for Alex Ackerman.
Born 1968 in N.J and attended college at age 15.
Graduated B.U with Bachelors/Science in 1988 just before 20th birthday.
Was a successful S.A.P consultant with many top
companies. Married at age 29 in 1998 to Tamara.
Had A baby girl Named Emily Elizabeth
Wife is Disabled and trying to file for disability which can take years. In AZ the current minimum wait is 305 days!
Please help family rebuild after crippling tragedy so they can keep their dogs and their home and possibly attain some kind of transportation.
Thank you so very much
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