I am trying to raise money to get my teeth fixed. I was a drug addict for several years and I am sober for over nine years now and I am in pain every minute of every day and all night long. My teeth are so bad I am only able to eat maybe three times a week if I am lucky. I have sooner care and they only cover a portion of it and I am on disability. I want to be able to smile again and eat with my grandbabies every night and not cry because I can't. I know it was my bad decisions that caused this and I pay for them daily but I have made such amazing changes in my life and went from being a drug addict that didn't care to a mammie that takes wonderful care of her grandbabies and even have two of them living with me that I take care of. I would be so grateful for any donation to help me achieve this goal so I can better my health and my self esteem. Thank you and God bless.
About this fundraiser
Organized by
Jessica Belcher
Durant, OK, USA
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