About this fundraiser

My upstairs apartment had a flood caused by a creative toddler while grandpa was watching her. The bathroom sink was left on and come to find out the over flow was not functional at all but since I never caught the issue in time or have documented maintenance request for repair needed it falls on me and I don't have more than a couple hundred extra dollars at best which won't make the dent in the bill to help me keep my apartment. The money owed will begin growing interest and then I forsure will be out on my butt with kids and nothing not even a deposit left to find a new place to live, debt, and bad rental history. I'm going through some major personal battles and this was the last thing I needed to have stealing my energy focus fight and ball and Chaining me to a issue that is high priority by far but not where my focus needs to be as my other battles are involving my children well 2 of them. I can prove any of these debts I have receipts of what's owed for the damage that affected the tenants below me. No corners were cut to save me a more affordable bill that's forsure. To be honest I'm freaked out and just feel powerless. I door dashed this evening and made $23 but $10 went in my gas tank to make that. 


Thank you for taking the time to read my plea for help as I'm embarrassed but desperate and giving it a shot with this go fund me if anything I will get hope and be optimistic about the situation from knowing I'm trying everything including this fundraiser. I know there are others who need the help more but my kids deserve it all and more even if I don't. So I just ask to have faith that giving to our family will be paid forward as soon as I get back on my feet and in a position to pay it put.

Be safe humble grateful and count your blessing 🙌 🙏 

Organized by

Corrina Peters

Eugene, OR, USA
