About this fundraiser

I've been working alot of hours for my family and just like everyone else right now, times are rough. I won't even be able to get my kids Christmas. We did have food stamps which helped but I worked too many hours and made just barely over what they allowed me to make to keep the food stamps so we lost food stamps. I can support my family but I can't do anything nice for them at all. Food has been hard to get with my checks and rent and car payment and insurance and light bill and water bill take every penny I've got. Just the normal American story of everyone right now but if someone who's just doing so well in these times and able to help out even a little would be a godsend I'm not asking for alot but I just want to do more for my family and keep them happy I don't care if I am happy or not I just want to keep the smile on their faces.

Organized by

Thomas Cribbs

Resaca, GA, USA
