Latest update as of Mar 06, 2024

  • As most of you know, Hannah had a choking incident that landed us in the ER last Sunday. Since that time, there have been some neurological concerns that are prompting a repeat MRI and labwork to be done at Egleston tomorrow. Please continue to pray , specifically that her newest scans and blood work are stable and that the neurological concerns resolve. Depending on her results, she may be admitted to the hospital again. Please pray 🙏🏻

About this fundraiser

Hannah is a beautiful, vibrant young woman who has been in the battle of her life for the second time this past year. Hannah has been battling lupus since she was very young. After a huge health scare entering high school, Hannah rallied like the warrior she is and became a star student, graduating with honors while also completing her associates degree from Middle Georgia Stage College. Just as she was bound to start her college career at Kennesaw State she was struck with a virus that left her battling acute meningitis not once but twice due to her compromised immune system from the lupus. These infections led Hannah into another fight with acute CNS vasculitis that has left her dependent on her  for everyday, simple tasks while she battles to fight this invasion of her body. The course of extensive treatments and therapy in the last twelve months has given her family hope but has yet to yield a cure. After another set back Hannah is battling a new infection and facing a brain biopsy for further treatment options. All of Hannah’s treatments and multiple hospital stays are in Atlanta, an hour and a half away from where her family lives. Please consider donating to help with incurred medical bills, costs with travel, missing work and the extensive therapy that will be required to help Hannah gain back her life and independence. All money raised will go to the family for medical, and travel related costs. Hannah is such bright light to those who know and love her and with your help we know we can give her the opportunity to share her light with rest of the world.  

Organized by

April Ennis

Byron, GA, USA

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This fundraiser will directly support

Sarah Bennett
