The funeral expenses for shauna carpenter will be used for anything to do with the burial of my daughter only, anything left over will go¹ to helping hands to help give back.the war against drugs continue a parent should never have to bury there own ,but it continues to happen to millions of parents every day let's take a stand now let's take our streets back, and keep our kids out of the hands of the chemist that supply these deadly drugs.(fight)
About this fundraiser
Organized by
Shawn Carpenter
Hernando, FL, USA
OrganizerComments (3)
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Tyler raab | $30
1yr agoMan im so sorry for your loss....😥
Joshua fenton | $20
1yr agoStay strong. ❤️😔
Stephanie Lindquist | $20
1yr agoI can not express how sorry I am for your loss, I am here for whatever you need. Love you ❤️