About this fundraiser

My husband and I had to come back to FL for his grand father being deathly ill..he passed two weeks after we got here R.I.P. Pappa, on the way down our truck broke down. After a two day hold we finally made it. My husband is doing tree work to help us pay bills and I am unable to find work ITS BEEN 3 MONTHS. We both have jobs in Wisconsin to get back to so we were going to leave and go back but then the truck broke down Again. We pull a 38 ft RV with it so it had to be fixed, It took every dime we had for the trip back. Me not able to find work we are getting behind in bills and in able to go back. Please help us get back to our jobs and home any thing helps thank you in advance. We will post updates along the way if we are able to get back and once again thank you.

Organized by

Sharice Reeves

Brandon, FL, USA
