About this fundraiser

My widowed mother recently unexpectedly passed away. She didn't have life insurance because she couldn't afford it.  She was 80 and  primarily lived with me ever since her husband died in 2010 She lived on a fixed  and very limited income. I tried to purchase life insurance for her, but the insurance companies would not pay because by the time I realized it,  she had health problems. 

This has been a very emotional and educational time for our family. We have definitely learned the importance of life insurance. 

When I went to the funeral home here in Minot, I had no idea how expensive it is to have a funeral. At a bare minimum, due to the fact that we have to have her shipped home, the funeral cost is in excess of 15,000.00. I am stunned and was unaware of the expense of after life care of a person to be buried  

Her wishes were to be placed next to her oldest son who passed away in 1977. At the time of his passing she had purchased a plot next to him and the headstone was placed as part of his headstone. It has her name on it and her date of birth already. This plot is in Molalla, Oregon. We are in Max, North Dakota

I honestly could not imagine how much more costly this would be had we had to purchase a plot and head stone also. 

 My family has faced tragedy year after year in the recent years with car accidents, motorcycle accidents and job losses. 

I work, but live pay check to pay check and I have absolutely no way to fund this funeral for my mom. I am devastated that these expenses are demanded to be paid up front. Neither the funeral home in Minot or Molalla will even entertain a payment plan. 

So, I ask for help in this time of need. My mom was my entire world. Just as tragedy once again has struck my family, I don't have my mom here to guide me and support me as I deal with all of it  I've always had her to point me in the right direction, to show me how her amazing, unfailing faith in God has always shone through. She used to say, ‘The Good Lord will take care of me, and mine.' And at times just like this, where I see only obstacles, Somehow, some way a door always opened to provide a way through what ever obstacle was standing in the way. 

So right now I am going to stand on that same faith an believe as she did that once again a miracle will happen and her wishes to be buried with her son and husband will be carried out. I believe that this crowd funding was pointed out to me as the door opening as it always has for her. 

Thank you for reading my story and God Bless you always. 

Organized by

Sandy Hawkins

Minot, ND, USA

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This fundraiser will directly support

Stuart McColloch
