About this fundraiser

To whomever takes the time to read this and/or donate:

Hi, my name is Kendall Barron. I am 35 years old, and I reside in a very rural town, in Northern California Behind the Eastern Sierra mountains. I am writing this to share my story with you, and to hope and pray that someone may be able to help me in my dire situation. As I said I am 35 now, I am disabled currently fighting for disability. I live on my own with my partner who is also disabled and on disability. At age 10 I started to get sick with stomach and digestion problems. These problems eventually turned chronic. I vomited almost every day for about 10 years, lost weight so much so that I have been on NG tubes multiple times in my lifetime. In and out of emergency rooms, specialists, urgent cares, you name it. This continued until I was an adult. As a result of years and years of throwing up, malnourishment, and several drying medications - my mouth was ruined. The damage is done. Over the years I, along with my family, have shelled out what we could afford to save and try to make it work. For years that helped and it was enough. But I am at a point in my life where I can no longer take the pain, the infections, the insecurities, and the all around effect my teeth have on my quality of life. I am in dire need of a dental team to take me on and once and for all provide a solution instead of a bandaid. I NEED my teeth removed, they are killing me. Decaying teeth underneath crowns, decaying teeth not yet crowned. My teeth have no enamel left. I know I’m only 35. And I know the reasons why most dentists want to try to save my individual teeth, but after 15+ years of trying to fix them, I mentally and physically cannot take it anymore. I now have to medicate and drug myself just to get cleanings because of the dental trauma and anxiety I have. And this just makes everything more difficult. My rural location, and my lack of insurance aside from state Medi-Cal, makes it so I have to drive hours away for even the simplest dental work required. Which usually means multiple trips and we simply don’t have the ability or finances to keep this up. Which is why I am desperately writing to dentists and doing a fundraiser, in order to see if there would ever be a way to fix my mouth once and for all. I can provide  ANY information you might need, or answer any questions you might have. I truly truly am desperate. If I don’t find a solution once and for all I am scared for my future. I am willing to do whatever I can to make a treatment plan that fixes my mouth once and for all. I appreciate your time in reading this message and for any donations I might receive 🩵🙏🏻


Thank you again, 

Kendall Barron

Organized by

Kendall Barron

Bishop, CA, USA
