Well, I don't know if this is gonna work or not. I don't have a social network. I don't have a facebook page but at this point I just don't know what else to do. First I do have a full-time job. Unfortunately, it doesn't pay me very much. I pay a lot in taxes but I never see it at the end of the year. I keep asking for extra time at work, but they're not giving it to be even though they said I would have it.
So so I thought my dog was dying the other day because he wouldn't move. he wasn't eating. He wasn't drinking, so I took him to the vet. emergency was the only place I could get him incost me $256 just to walk in the door I was there for a few hours. Finally thr vet comes out and talks to me.She wanted to run all these blood tests and stuff and I was like, if he's not dying,. I'll just wait. He goes to his regular vet in 2 days. And it'll be cheaper. She said, okay, she went back. I thought to get him or to bring him out. In the meantime, i I have to get to work. So the secretary calls me up and says, bye, can we check you out? The bill's $454 and I was like, what? What are you talking about? I didn't. What are you talking about? How is that possible? Apparently they decided on their own to take him back and start an IV. . I don't know what all but yeah. I was like, wow $,454 and they weren't gonna give me back my dog unless I paid and I have to be at work like in 2 hours. So I just went ahead and paid the⁰money that I had in my account. That was, a front till my taxes came in ... and was to pay my bills.. so the next day 3 bills came due and the money wasn't there and now I'm stuck in a loop trying to get caught up ... it put me way behind and I can't catch a break at all.. 1 whole paycheck pays my rent and I have always had my second one for bills but when they did that at the vet it messed me up bad.. I'm so afraid I won't have my rent because as soon as my money gets in one of my bills is gonna grab it first then I don't know what I will do... if anyone can help me I would be so grateful ... I have sold all my jewelry and anything else I have of value but it wasn't enough so now I'm asking for help ... thank you
About this fundraiser
Organized by
sharon shell
Portland, OR, USA
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