About this fundraiser

Seeking help for my uncle and aunt, my uncle has diabetes and has been on and off from work due to amputations of the toes and maintaining his health. he is borderline  about to loose his job that is the only job he has know for over two decades, as a welded unfortunately the weather is hot and humid and that isn’t good with his toes. He has been once again hospiez. My aunt on the other hand had a mini stroke a few months ago and has never been the same we don’t recognize her anymore unfortunately she can’t drive or provide due to it. I’m just looking for assistance to help them with groceries pay any bills they might need, gad gas money to go to doctors appts, any medical supplies/equipment they might 🤗 thank you! God bless you . 

Organized by

Lesly Alvarez

Phoenix, AZ, USA
