About this fundraiser


Dear Kind, Compassionate, and Caring Members of My Community,

My name is John Pugh, and I am the proud father of Lily, my bright and compassionate 15-year-old daughter who is beginning her first year of high school. Lily is a remarkable young girl with a heart full of empathy. She’s always the first to lend a hand, offering her love and support to anyone in need, no matter how big or small their struggles may be. She’s the kind of person who makes the world a better place just by being in it.

But beneath her bright exterior, Lily has faced more challenges than any child should. Her journey has been filled with heartache, and sadly, much of that heartache began at home. Lily’s mother battled addiction when Lily was just a baby, and by the time Lily was 4 years old, our family had fractured. Despite my efforts to help, I couldn’t save the family I desperately wanted for my daughter.

For years, Lily split her time between my home and her mother’s, always hoping for the love and stability every child deserves. But when Lily was 12, I fought a long and exhausting battle to gain full custody of her, knowing it was the only way to protect her from the instability and neglect she faced with her mother. During that time, we lived in a tiny one-bedroom apartment, making the best of what little we had.

The hardest part of this journey has been watching Lily endure the ultimate heartbreak—being abandoned by her mother. After losing custody, Lily’s mother slowly faded from her life. At first, the visits became less frequent, until eventually, they stopped altogether. Lily watched as her mother built a new family without her, leaving her feeling utterly forgotten and replaced. It’s a wound that runs deep, and no child should ever have to feel that kind of rejection.

Despite everything, Lily has shown incredible strength. She’s resilient and brave, but no matter how strong she is, the pain of her mother’s abandonment lingers. All I want is to give her the stable, loving home she deserves—a place where she can heal, grow, and focus on her future without the fear of losing her home or being uprooted again.

Recently, I found a mobile home for sale near my work for $10,000. It’s not perfect, but it’s livable, and I can make the necessary repairs over time. Most importantly, it would give Lily and me a permanent place to call home, where she can finally feel safe and secure. I’ve managed to save $1,500, but I still need $8,500 to purchase the home outright. Owning this home would mean that Lily can finish her high school years in one place and rebuild her sense of security.

As a father, it’s incredibly difficult to ask for help, but I know I can’t do this alone. I’m reaching out to my community, to those who understand the importance of family and stability, to help me provide my daughter with the home she deserves. Any amount, no matter how small, will bring us closer to this goal. Even if you can’t donate, sharing our story with others could make all the difference.

From the bottom of my heart, thank you for taking the time to read our story. Your kindness and support will help us create a safe, loving home where Lily can finally feel secure and loved.

With deepest gratitude,

John Pugh

Organized by

John Pugh

Liberty, MO, USA
