About this fundraiser

Hello. This definitely is not how we had imagined our life to play out but we're trying our best to handle it. AJ has been an Interior Trim guy and has done some of the most incredible custom items you can imagine. Always a hard worker and very independent. Well that has all changed when he was diagnosed with Sarcomatoid Carcinoma, a rare lung cancer. No, it's not from cigarettes. Our lives have went from helping others to now reaching out for some desperately needed help. I am the sole provider for our family. I pay all the bills, all necessities, groceries, some medications, and am trying to stay positive. It's come to the point that I have gotten behind a little each month and now there's no more behind to get. I'm breaking. I am his caregiver plus work 55-60 a week. I'm exhausted, but can't let it show. I have to be strong for my family. His chemo is twice a week and at this time, mine and his vehicles are both broke down. I can't even cover our bills let alone pay to get one fixed. I am blessed to have a little scooter so I can go to work. Im not sure what else I can do so here I am, hoping, praying, asking for someone to be kind and lend us a helping hand. Anything will help and will be cherished eternally. Thank you for reading our story.

Organized by

Stacey Bettis

Fort Smith, AR, USA
