About this fundraiser

Our landlord made us vacate for 4 hours to spray our unit for bugs, we requested not to have this done as it did not work the last time (or even this time) and they told us we had to vacate and have them do it. We returned home to find all of our belongings ransacked. They stole $1500 from my dresser, my $3500 computer which I use as an income source to stream gaming. they stole shoes and clothes for my job, all my jewelry (sentimental items I can never get back), they stole much much else and I am so beyond words I can’t believe someone could do this to us. We both work so hard and  have been trying to get out of debt ourselves and then this happens. It feels like such an invasion and now we are worried about paying our rent And other bills we would like to recover as much as we can financially but our landlord is not helping. We totaled things lost and it’s about $8k for each of us. We need help badly. anything helps. Thank you guys so much. Bless you. 

UPDATE 9/2: we figured out that vagrants were living above us and they are the ones who stole our things and the apartment staff knew about this and neglected to tell us so that we would pay our rent on time. Well their neglect also lead to these people trying to get into our neighbors and our apartment again while we were home in addition to 9/2 lighting a fire while cooking drugs which set the building on fire. The fire alarms did not go off or sprinkler system. The only reason our lives were saved is because of our neighbor who woke up after hearing some thing explode upstairs. She called the fire department and woke us all up. We need help suing this apartment building and getting the hell out of there. 

Organized by

Lia Laurito

Las Vegas, NV, USA
