Latest update as of Aug 26, 2024

  • I need him home!!

    Bad things have been happening since he's been in there. New Orleans is not safe for women on the street, never really has been but now it's critical. Women have been unalived out here on the street but one has been indentified. Only one. My guy is my protector and my best friend and partner. I need him out here. He shouldn't be there right now.

    I need him home!!

About this fundraiser

To being his name is Peter (James) Burke, goes by Wolf. Me and him are homeless in New Orleans Louisiana. Monday morning we were in a park we and other homeless frequent and a guy stole from us. He had our belongings and my guy confronted him and the other guy got belligerent. Wolf took back what was ours and the other guy jumped up with a box cutter and said “I will cut you” and went after Wolf. Wolf then defended himself and the other guy got cut. Self defense. After it happened we took off. That's where we messed up 😭. We were gone for 2 days and then they caught up with us. Now, if we would have not took off, there would have been no problem the police said and they would have gotten statements and that would have been it. But since people put it in our heads we needed to take off, change clothes, and leave for a few days he ended up being arrested for aggravated battery with a 10,000 bond. I can get him out for $1285. He's pleading not guilty because of self defense but his next court date isn't until late October 20th. It's going to end up going to trial. He doesn't need to sit there when he's innocent. Thank you for your time and reading.

Organized by

Kristy Nelson

New Orleans, LA, USA
