About this fundraiser

Dauntez is your average hard working American Dad who was struck with an unforeseen event of losing his youngest child to SIDS just two nights ago. 


God chose to take his angel Vincent Lamar Wilson home on June 29, 2023, he was five months old. 


Dauntez is a good hands on Dad, who works hard, and loves his children very dearly. Holding down two jobs to provide for them was definitely a task but not one he couldn't concour. He strived daily to make life better and sustain his family. Unfortunately, all the hard work still didn't allow him to create a cushion for emergencies or hard times. This truly has shattered this young man. And rhey all count on him. Now, with Vincent being called home, Dauntez is lost. He can't function like usual. This was tragic. Unexpected. And literally life altering. This young man is mentally and physically going through horrible turmoil. Thinking about Him jumping up to go to work in the midst of his storm, is unimaginable for me, I feel like it should be the last thing on his mind. Then there's arrangements for Vincent that wasn't expected. Tez needs help. He needs all the help he can get just to pick up the pieces. Will you help him make it through his hard time? The money will be used to provide his normal basic living and for any costs that will come with Vincent being laid to rest, which he is too distraught to even handle at this point. So, he doesn't actually quite know how much it will cost at this point. Anything helps this young man and his family at this time. Your donation would help him in this messy hard time to lay his son to rest and help him to not lose it so he can pick up and carry forward for the other three. His mental health is in jeopardy with this event I think helping him can help him know he isn't alone in this mad world and people do care. Please, pray for Dauntez and his family, and if you can donate, to help him through. Share the link with others. Anything helps. All money will go directly to him for whatever his needs are at this time. Thank you, and if you could share this to show support, we thank you very much. 

God bless you.


Organized by

Carmen Rivera-Long

Jackson, TN, USA
