Latest update as of Jul 30, 2023

  • Quick Note from Fable

    thank you to everyone who has donated and shared my story. i really didnt even know if people were going to donate and i would especially like to thank my bestfriends family for donting sm money(love you guys and thank you for dealing with me lmao)

    Quick Note from Fable

About this fundraiser

On June 14th Fable was air lifted from Flagstaff Medical Center and taken to the Phoenix Children's Hospital where she is still currently admitted.

As of right now, they have undergone two brain bleeds and swelling, several MRIs and CT Scans, two bone marrow biopsies, had a PICC Line inserted and an EEG. She has suffered paralysis due to the brain bleeds on her left side (though is slowly gaining some control back), and massive blood blisters in her mouth.

She's currently diagnosed with Severe Aplastic Anemia ( ), but the hospital is still running tests to find the actual cause of her condition. Since none of my other children are full-blooded siblings with her, any immunosuppressive treatments are likely not an option and a bone marrow transplant would be the most likely route. 

Doctors anticipate she will be there for at least another month or two to keep her stable with regular blood and platelet transfusions while we wait for more answers.

Two weeks ago upon filing FMLA paperwork with my place of work, they took that as my resignation and let me go after finding my replacement. As a small company they dont have to adhere to FMLA rules and they didnt; so I'm now searching for a job in addition to everything else going on.

The hospital has currently placed me, Archer and Salem in their on-campus Ronald McDonald Housing for the time being. Despite that good news, after food, clothing, gas, bills, and my old car starting to give out on me; I have gone through my savings and have no way to cover any of the upcoming monetary obligations nor the trips back and forth to be with Fable as soon as school starts for my younger kids.

I'm shooting high with my goal out of the fear and anxiety that I know all the parents I'm currently here with share. I don't expect to make it, but anything that can be spared to help us through until we can find a diagnosis and get her stable enough to be discharged to go back to the home we all miss very much will be eternally and lovingly appreciated.

And if you can't donate then we just ask that you please share this and know that we all love and hope the best for all of you.

Organized by

Dana Koplan

Flagstaff, AZ, USA
