About this fundraiser

My friend Dana has fallen on hard times and she's injured. She's not working right now and on disability but her wages have Been garnished She is 4 months behind in Rent at 2,000.00 per month and by January she will be behind $10,000. That's a lot of money for anyone person She's a single young girl 30 years old She needs to have surgery on both of her knees and she will be getting some money disability back again in February but there's no way she can raise that money by herself so I'm just trying to help her out I'm 63 and I don't have money to help her or I would so I'm just asking people with good hearts too Please donate for her cause and to help her stay in her home. She's tried every avenue for help so I'm turning to the community to ask for help for her She's embarrassed but I said Dana this is the only we can do it so please find in your heart to help with any amount. Many hands make light work! God bless you and Merry Christmas! She's a good person that will help anyone even if she has to go without now she needs help!

Organized by

Michelle Ron

San Leandro, CA, USA
