About this fundraiser

**Help My BFF Escape a Fire Zone with Her Animals**

Dear Friends and Kind Strangers,

I am reaching out with an urgent plea for help on behalf of my best friend, Jenifer! She is currently in a dire situation, trapped in a fire zone where her house is at imminent risk of burning down. The fires are rapidly approaching, and time is of the essence.

Jennifer has dedicated her life to caring for her animals, and they mean the world to her. Unfortunately, she is not in a financial position to evacuate herself and her beloved pets to safety. The costs of transportation, temporary shelter, and essential supplies are overwhelming.

We are desperately seeking your generosity to help cover the expenses required to get Jenifer and her animals out of harm's way. Your donation will go towards:

- Safe transportation for Jennifer and her pets
- Temporary housing
- Food and supplies for both her and the animals
- Any necessary medical care for the animals

Every contribution, no matter how small, will make a significant difference in ensuring their safety. Please, if you can, donate and share this plea with others who might be able to help.

Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your kindness and support in this urgent and critical time.

With gratitude,

Carrie (& Jennifer and “the animals”)


Organized by

Carrie Smyth

Rohnert Park, CA, USA
