About this fundraiser

I am seeking your financial help because I have fallen on hard times and am coming to the end of my ropes. 

I was a very functional member of society, working as a Crisis Therapist and Support Supervisor for years. I have my Masters in Clinical Therapy and worked part-time for 13-plus years with the elderly because I love it. I love time with my family/siblings and have help raised kids although I do not have any. I have always counted myself blessed as I know God is constantly with me. 

As life happens, I unfortunately started struggling with mental health (Major Depression) a few years. I sought help then and still do, however my mental health has continue to deteriorate. I was ok financially for a while when my struggles began, however, I am hitting rock bottom. For example, I am months behind on rent and bills and do fear eviction or worse. Hence, I am desperately turning to you for help. I recently sought some government help, however, I do not qualify for most as I am single with no children. 

I do believe this season of my life will pass and I am praying for the day I am back to being myself again (fun, work, running, productive citizen, etc.). 

As nervous as I am about asking for your help, I appreciate that there are avenues like this available and I would be so honored for any help you can give to me in this my time of need.  

Organized by


Crystal, MN, USA
