Latest update as of Apr 10, 2024

  • Rollercoaster

    Hi All—

    It’s been a while since our last update. It’s been quite challenging lately.

    Nahla has been experiencing some highs and really scary lows. She’s also become more aware and understanding of her condition. She sometimes is very angry, upset and hysterical, or just asks a million and one questions. Her number one question lately has been “why can’t the doctor just make the diabetes go away?” She’s never satisfied with our answer of course.

    As for me, I’m still acting as her 24/7 care giver. To keep things simple, I am trying to navigate as best as I can.

    How can you help? Please share Nahla’s fundraiser link with your family’s, friends, or networks. We need you.



About this fundraiser

Dear Friends and Family,

In an unexpected turn of events, our youngest family member has been diagnosed with Type 1 Diabetes (T1D). What we initially thought was a routine checkup at urgent care quickly turned into a hospital stay, and we are now navigating the daily challenges of managing this condition.

Our little one requires 24-hour supervision, including 4-6 daily glucose monitoring sessions and insulin injections of two different types. The sudden shift in our daily lives has been overwhelming, and we find ourselves in need of support to cover the unexpected medical expenses, time off work for acclimating to her new care regimen and ongoing needs.

We are reaching out to our community for assistance in raising funds to ensure our daughter receives the best possible care and to alleviate the financial burden that comes with managing a chronic illness. Your contribution will not only help cover medical expenses but will also support the costs associated with our live's complete shift in effort to prioritize her daily care.

Every donation, no matter the size, is a step toward providing stability for our daughter's health, assisting with the financial burden of having to take indefinite time away from work, and easing the unforeseen costs that may arise during this journey. Your generosity will make a meaningful impact on our family's ability to navigate this challenging time.

Ways You Can Help:
- Make a donation to support medical expenses and ongoing care.
- Share our campaign with your network to increase awareness.
- Keep our family in your thoughts and prayers as we adapt to this new reality.

We appreciate your kindness and support as we come together to provide the best possible care for our brave little fighter. Thank you for being a pillar of strength for our family during this challenging time.

With heartfelt gratitude,

Angel and Josh

Organized by

Angelique Amor-Smart

Carson, CA, USA
