About this fundraiser

Please Help me help my Grandpa Who is A Veteran that proudly fought in the Vietnam War and even with stage 4 prostate cancer  He tries his best to still make it to the funerals  of other Fellow Veterans to lay them to rest with their families even if he doesnt know them, Hes there with the other proud members of Patriot Guard Riders and does his best to be there for others as much as he can. Hes' the nices ,most loving Man you'l ever meet and does so much to help other people EVEN while going through Radiation and Hormone Treatment Therapy. He's such a Wonderful Grandpa and person ,he is always helping someone even when he has very little And is struggling to make ends meet. I have got to get him moved out of Government Senior Housing its like every other month There is another infestation of Bugs," that Ive never even seen until The past 6months." So while my Gpa is sick and fighting for his life the poor guy is getting eaten up by bugs randomly. He has lost A LOT of weight and needs Smaller clothes(and he NEVER complains)  He has a hard time sleeping in a bed so he now has to sleep in his recliner as well and is on its last leg.hHe is very greatful for the recliner but he deserves so much better and it breaks my heart to not be able to helo him the way I wish I could. He has a hard time walking and standing up( but Never let's me help him)  becaus of the pain in his legs,feet and Prostat area. He Needs A walker or A cain for going short distances and I would like to get him a hover Round or something similar for Long distance trips. He fought for his country and now hes fighting for his Life!!! I feel like he deserves so much more than what he has and it literally Rips my heart out that I cant help him or get him out of that apartment quick enough. I just want so badly to help get him everything he needs and just Help him get on his feet so he dose not have to stress and worry everyday about past due bills and how hes going to get caught up on them.It makes me o sad. The pay that he gets is Not even close to  enough to take care of all his bills and being able to move and get a brand New recliner chari/bed that is remote controlled to help him stand and also comfortable enough to sleep in because be cant sleep comfortably in a bed so that's why he's refused to part with the donated recliner he is up and down all day and night . He Needs Good comfortable sleep qith all he's going through.  He always says he dont need anything when you ask him because He doesn't want anyone  to buy him anything EVER he would rather give then recieve and is going to kill me for doing this but I love him with all my heart and im going to school right now and in just under a year I will be able to get A good paying job so i can take care of him and Make sure he's Got what he needs,and hes comfortable, all his bills are caught up and Hes not stressing everyday. If its God's We will recieve a blessing and I will be able to complete Welding school on time and as scheduled While working a part time job so I can try and keep up on my bills as well. Heck if its God's will I may have to help my Gpa and Let my house and stuff Go and live in my truck for the next 5monthes That may be what God wants so that I can help my Gpa instead of paying rent just until schools over and I will do that for him And if I have to I will that's how much I love and care about him and I think it's Finally hitting me That My Best friend could be called home Anyday or hopefuly 10years or longer but I just know I want to mske him As less stressed out and WELL TAKEN CARE OF AS POSSIBLE and Im   begging for someone to Just have a little Grace and Understanding and  please dont jusdge me  Just Plz find it in your heart to Please help me help my Grandpa. He' my best friend ,The only Real Father figure I'v  ever had ,that actually cares about me and Has stuck by my side And Helped me all the way, the only person I trust. This  Prosat Cancer comes out of No where and already at stage 4 so It hit fast and unexpectedl  my life fGrandpa who fighting his battle with cancer is currently being eaten up by Some kind of insects In the only Recliner/bed that he has and can afford. Please help me Get my grandpa Caught up on medi al bills and other expenses so I can get him out Of this Government Housing and Some where comfortable with a nice new recliner That Is remote controlled and doesn't come along with Little Insects That won't go away. I want him to spend the rest of his life worry free and stress free from financial situations please Just have a little compassion and please help me help my Grandpa!! In less than A year I will be able ti take care of him by myself and I will make plenty of money God willin I get that chance.  GOD BLESS U ALL AND THANK U ALL JUST THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!

Organized by

Pippa Reign

Tulsa, OK, USA
