About this fundraiser

After going for her routine check up, Nancy’s bloodwork came back and her blood sugar numbers were off the charts. She felt fine but the doctor decided to just double check that there wasn’t a blockage or something in her pancreas causing her to be diabetic. So he sent her for a CT scan and thats when they found the tumor. Nancy felt great, had no symptoms and thought she was healthy. Within a couple of weeks she became a diabetic and a cancer patient. 
    It has been quite the year for Nancy, Jerry and the family.  Back in January, Tommy tore his ACL and had to have surgery and many months of physical therapy. Then after months of having lymphoma, their dog Annie passed away. Now Nancy is fighting pancreatic cancer all while trying to manage her diabetes.           
   What they need most right now is prayers. However,  they have had many unexpected expenses for Nancy’s diabetes, insulin, diabetic supplies, prescriptions, and medical bills. If you would like to help them out please consider donating. Any amount will help. Also, please share this with anyone who may want to help ease the stress of unexpected bills so that they can focus on getting Nancy better. Thank you.

Organized by

Krystol Krokos

Roselle, IL, USA

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This fundraiser will directly support

Nancy Krokos
