About this fundraiser

Let’s help Rae beat this cancer!

March 24th is the day Rae got the cancer diagnosis. She knew exactly what she needed to do and that was contact MD Anderson! She was in that next week seeing her new oncologist. So much has happened since that day. She is receiving chemo once a week for 6 weeks and radiation 5 days a week for 6 weeks. There have been lots of traveling back and forth not only by Rae but by her amazing support team! She has decided to stay at MD Anderson for the full 6 weeks. Family continues to rotate helping her out so that she is never left alone during this process. She is holding strong and is very positive. If you know Rae she is extremely stubborn and won’t let this diagnosis get her down! 

We are hoping to come together in prayer but also financially for Rae. Cancer is not cheap to fight. Between hospital bill, hotel, flights, drs bills. It is a lot! If you are able to donate the money with go straight to Rae to lessen the financial burden on her and her husband Evan. If you can’t donate please pray that she stays strong, healthy and that Jesus eradicates the cancer from her body. Thank you!

Fundraising team

The Wauhobs

Midland, TX, USA


Carlea Cruz

Team member