Latest update as of Jun 28, 2024

  • Hello my beautiful friends,
    Just wanted to give an update on my status...
    I was able to go home last Friday & continue recovery & monitoring by the Strong Pulmonary Team as outpatient. Being home is the BEST thing ever!! I have had a strong support system helping me since I've been home...I feel very loved & cared for by all of you who have visited, lent a hand, took care of my animals while in the hospital (im looking at you Greg, Steve & Calvin 👀), flying home to take care of Mama (Lona),reached out, donated & sent well wishes! It's still going to be a long road & we are looking at 5-7 more weeks on antibiotics. I go tomorrow for a chest xray to see if it has grown, stayed the same or shrank (🤞🤞🤞). Last night I slept amazingly & all day today I was super tired, but I am definitely expectorating quite a bit & that is a great thing! However, everyday I do a little bit more & feel a little bit better! As Father Guido Sarducci (old school SNL character for you youngins) would say..."Danka you...froma near by da bottom ofa my heart" But, seriously, i know times are pretty tough right now for everyone, so it's a undeniable show of love & I certainly feel that love! I will take care of myself & get myself better & you promise me that you will always take your antibiotics right! I told my doctors that I'm going to be the poster child for not screwing up your meds! Lol.
    Love you all...😘😘😘

About this fundraiser

UPDATE: Doctors are struggling to resolve the abscess. It is much more complicated than they originally thought.  After a week in the hospital, Tam is struggling emotionally and physically. Her recovery will be longer than first anticipated. Please consider donating or visiting her to help lift her spirits! Let’s let Tam know how much we care! 



Last week, Tam was taken by ambulance and admitted to Strong Memorial Hospital with an abscess in her lung. Doctors anticipate a full recovery but that it will be long. Tam has already missed two full weeks of work and, even under the best circumstances, will miss one more. Please consider helping Tam recover financially so she can focus on recovering physically. 

Organized by

Laura Salamendra

Geneva, NY, USA

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This fundraiser will directly support

Tamarie Cataldo
