About this fundraiser

Dear Friends, Family, and Kind Strangers,

I’m reaching out with a heavy heart to share an unexpected and devastating event that has greatly impacted my Life and family. Recently, our car was stolen, and despite all efforts, it has yet to be found. This car was more than just a means of transportation—it was the lifeline for our daily lives.

As a parent, I rely on my car to for visits with my children. Without it, ive been struggling to find consistent and reliable transportation, which has added stress to my already busy life. It’s been incredibly challenging to balance work, school, and family responsibilities without a vehicle. Not having a car has made even the simplest tasks, like grocery shopping or getting to work on time, feel overwhelming.

We’re doing our best to stay strong, but the costs of replacing our vehicle are simply beyond what we can afford right now. That’s why I’m turning to you for help. Your support, no matter the amount, will go directly toward purchasing a reliable used car to help us get back on our feet.

The funds will help us:

  • Ensure visits with my children 
  • Allow me to get to work without the fear of losing my job due to transportation issues.
  • Regain the ability to run essential errands like grocery shopping and medical appointments.
  • Restore a sense of normalcy and stability in our daily lives.

We are so grateful for any help you can provide, whether it’s through a donation or by sharing our story with others. Your kindness and generosity during this difficult time mean the world to us. From the bottom of our hearts, thank you for helping us rebuild and move forward.

With gratitude,

Organized by

John Corbin

Arlington, TX, USA
