About this fundraiser

I am a 53 year old woman who has worked all my life until I got sick 4 years ago I am now 6 months behind on all my bills I need groceries and back bills paid up in order not to be homeless on top of all my medical issues I have to move I do not have money for rent or deposit and I am having a really hard time I was recently scammed while trying to apply for a loan unfortunately there is no help for someone who has worked all their life I'm asking for whatever you can afford to donate to me and I will let you know once I beat my medical challenges and if I'm ever able to return to work I will promise to return the favor and donate to other people who are in my situation and need help I have a hard time asking for things because I've always worked for what I needed I have no family to speak of that could help me and I learned not to have friends most of my so called friends have used and abused me so I tend to stay to myself I ended a 15 year relationship with a narcissist and was truly shocked at what a narcassists victim has gone through I was left with nothing from the relationship not even a plate to eat dinner from I really would be very grateful for anything you could donate thank you very much and I won't forget you good people 

Organized by

Tammy Shaffer

Fairfield, OH, USA
